The Hero's Journey: Osiris Edition

The story of Osiris can be seen as an example of the Hero's Journey, as described by Joseph Campbell in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces."

  1. The Call to Adventure: Osiris is called to bring civilization to Egypt and become its ruler.

  2. Refusal of the Call: At first, Osiris is reluctant to accept his role as a king, but ultimately decides to accept it.

  3. Meeting with the Mentor: Osiris receives guidance and support from his wife Isis.

  4. Crossing the Threshold: Osiris takes on the responsibilities of kingship and begins to transform Egypt.

  5. Tests, Allies, Enemies: Osiris faces opposition from his brother Seth and must prove himself as a worthy ruler.

  6. Approach to the Inmost Cave: Osiris is betrayed and killed by Seth.

  7. Ordeal: Osiris must confront the underworld and prove himself worthy of resurrection.

  8. Reward: Osiris is resurrected and becomes the ruler of the afterlife.

  9. The Road Back: Osiris returns to the land of the living to help guide the souls of the deceased to the afterlife.

  10. Resurrection: Osiris is reborn as the god of the afterlife and continues to be honored and worshiped by the ancient Egyptians.

  11. Return with the Elixir: Osiris's story becomes central to the mythology of the afterlife and continues to influence the beliefs and practices of ancient Egyptians.